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Create Event

Created by k'dubb on 02-Nov-20
Updated by k'dubb on 07-Nov-20

There are three different ways to create an event

  1. Create Event from Album menu 
  2. Create Event while creating/editing a Story
  3. Create Event while creating/editing a Media item

Create Event from Album Menu

View the details of the Album that will include the Event. Locate the Album Menu that is located to the right of the Album Tabs.  The Invite User is shown, initially.


Click on the down-arrow option on the right and select Add Event.Album-Create-Event-DropDown

The Create Event Form will appear.

Create Event While Creating/Editing A Story

There are two ways to create an Event:

  1. View the details of a Story that will be associated to the Event. Scroll down to the Events section and click on the Add Event button.
  2. Create/Edit the details of a Story and click on Add New Event link in the Event section. The Create Event Form will appear.

Create Event While Creating/Editing A Media

There are two ways to create an Event:

  1. View the details of a Media that will be associated to the Event. Scroll down to the Events section and click on the Add Event button.
  2. Create/Edit the details of a Media and click on Add New Event link in the Event section. The Create Event Form will appear.

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k'dubb updated Create Event article related to 3 11/07/2020 - 00:10
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k'dubb updated Create Event article related to 3 11/02/2020 - 23:25
k'dubb updated Create Event article related to 3 11/02/2020 - 22:18