Quick reminder: what are you building, in a sentence?
- GreatAlbum enables family/friends to share stories of loved ones creating biographies. Can also create outlines by ingesting digital media.
What did you accomplish this week? Did you do everything you planned?
- Get to 0 points remaining on Beta2 sprint
- Implement key improvements:
- Import Google Photo Albums
- Share content in multiple GreatAlbums
- New content stream with better comment threading
- Shift Global Nav to (new) left sidebar
- Do 3 & 4 for Support site as well
- Private Beta sprint#2 - completed 160 points of 280 planned. Of 5 key improvements, postponed #1, implemented rough versions of 2-5! Met with Speak2 Founder. Discussed integrating their Alexa app for voice interface to GreatAlbum! Built first half of
What do you want to have done by the end of next week?
- Complete pitch deck draft. Practice on a potential investor. Finish planning, launch & first half of Beta sprint#3. Focus on Google Photos Integration, commenting on content/media, user notifications. Plan to revamp DevOps approach - move from Pantheon to Docker/AWS?
What would you like feedback on from the community?
- (so far)
- If time/interest,
- If time/interest,
Project website
Which of these best describes the stage of your project?
- Privately testing with users
Feedback from Pioneer Players
[pitch deck]: the problem and solution slide is a little heavy -- personally I would simplify the pain points than follow with the pain killer. Can't wait to see your product!
Love the concept! Here's some points:
- [Pitch Deck]: The amount of text can be reduced a lot. Show a journey, why does this product mean so much to you.
- [Pitch Deck]: Probably make this deck in the form of an album
- [Website]: This really needs a revamp, you can probably get a really cool theme
- [Website]: Show some real life stories of how people are using your product, using trees, photos!
This is beautiful.
Instead of
"GreatAlbum enables family/friends to share stories of loved ones creating biographies. Can also create outlines by ingesting digital media."
Could you say:
"Share stories of loved ones creating biographies. Can also create outlines by ingesting digital media."?
Love this concept. Feel like it would have so much meaning for people after their friends or family members pass away?
good idea! could be interesting to see how much privacy weighs on the minds of consumers - if it's enough to make the switch from the popular apps to something like this.
- I think the deck is too comlicated. Less text and more visuals would be great. Visuals should substitute some text and make it perceive quicker
- Website: What about the a short one liner in hero section. Main text and then a short explanation ( So that visitors can faster understand what the product is about followed by detailed text about product describtion. Also "bullet points" would do.
Sounds cool. I would love to see a demo or sample album before signing up though.