907 Google Photos Import > Media is in reverse order from Google album

[email protected] added a feedback(#2636636) from https://app.greatalbum.net/node/673/media:

When importing media from a Google Photos album, it causes the media to appear in reverse order in GreatAlbum, because the first media item in Google becomes the oldest/last in GreatAlbum, and so on.

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900 Unable to add hours and minutes on the Article

[email protected] added a feedback(#2623649) from https://app.greatalbum.net/node/1054/edit?destination=/articles:

Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to the Article, press "Edit" button
2. Validate ability to add hours and minutes

Expected Result: The user is able to add hours and minutes.
Actual Result: The column with adding hours and minutes is missing.

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