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1004 Edit Place > Data from Street fields are not deleted after changing the Country

Created by Anonymous on 03-Jan-24
Updated by Anonymous (not verified) on 03-Jan-24

1004 Edit Place > Data from Street fields are not deleted after changing the Country

Problem/Limitation Description

[email protected] added a feedback(#3234882) from https://team.greatalbum.net/node/3516/edit:

Steps to reproduce:
1. Log in
2. Create the Place
3. Select any country and fill in Street address, City, ZIP, State
4. Navigate to the Edit Place page
5. Select another country
6. Validate the 'Street address' fields

Expected Result: Both 'Street address' fields are displayed empty.
Actual Result: The 'Street address' fields are still prefilled with previous data.

Attachment: https://static.userback.io/57763/project/71541/feedback/3234882/attachment/Запись экрана 2024-01-03 в 09.59.58.mov

Session details:

  • Feedback ID: #3234882
  • Browser: Chrome (macOS)
  • Rating: N/A
  • Window Size: 1389 x 788
  • Resolution: 1440 x 900
  • DPI: 1
  • Colour Depth: 24-bit
  • Category: Place

View feedback details in Userback:

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created 1004 Edit Place > Data from Street fields are not deleted after changing the Country issue related to GreatAlbum Guide 10 01/03/2024 - 03:18