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1014 Individual > Add Profile > Search Media > generates error

Created by Anonymous on 14-Jan-24
Updated by Anonymous (not verified) on 14-Jan-24

1014 Individual > Add Profile > Search Media > generates error

Problem/Limitation Description

[email protected] added a feedback(#3260533) from https://app.greatalbum.net/admin/content/media-widget?name=Cheddar&sort_by=field_start_date_value:

While editing an individual and trying to add a profile picture, I'm in the pop-up window to select from existing media. I type in a word in the name field and click Apply, hoping to find the media item I'm looking for. This used to work, but now it yields a "Your not authorized to access this page" error message.

Attachment: https://static.userback.io/57763/project/71541/feedback/3260533/attachment/Screenshot 2024-01-14 153015.png

Session details:

  • Feedback ID: #3260533
  • Browser: Chrome (Windows)
  • Rating: N/A
  • Window Size: 1920 x 911
  • Resolution: 1920 x 1080
  • DPI: 1
  • Colour Depth: 24-bit
  • Category: Media

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created 1014 Individual > Add Profile > Search Media > generates error issue related to GreatAlbum Guide 10 01/14/2024 - 15:33