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How do I import Google Photos by Album

Created by ErikG on 10-Mar-21
Updated by ErikG on 01-Oct-22

There are several different ways you can import Google photos into GreatAlbum. First you have to decide if you want to import and link directly to a specific Event, Story, Individual or Place, or if you want to import just to an album and later link them to other content.


  • User should have an existing album(s) in GreatAlbum.
  • User should be connected to Google Photos account
  • There should be existing album(s) in Google Photos

Here is a step-by-step guide to Import Google Photos to Private Album by Album:

  1. Login and go to your existing Private Album
  2. Click on the Media tab and click into the “Import Google Photos“ button
  3. Select Search by Album and you will be directed to the display of your Google Photos albums
  4.  Select the album(s) to be imported into your Private Album; note you will have a few options to
    1. Click the checkbox to select all/none Albums appearing on that page (in case you have multiple pages of albums)
    2. Click the checkbox to auto-create events in GreatAlbum corresponding to each Google Photos Album
  5. Click on the “Import Google Photos“ button
  6. While importing, you will be redirected to the Media page of your Private Album with the below mentioned details about importing in the background
    1. {Your item(s) importing in background. You will be notified by email once the import will be finished. We scheduled to import 25 photo(s), in 1 album(s)}
  7. If you import <10 photos, it will be done in real-time
  8. If you import >10 photos, it will be done in a background process; this is necessary because if many people are importing large numbers of photos, we offload the strain from the system and the waiting time, so you can do other things while the import is going on
  9. Once the import process is complete, you will receive email notification from /GreatAlbum/, and you will see:
    1. the media in the Album > Media tab
    2. the event in the Album > Events tab 
    3. The media in the Event > Media tab

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