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Celebrate a Loved One with GreatAlbum

Created by Seema on 04-Mar-22
Updated by Seema on 04-Mar-22

Build "Celebrate a Loved One" with GreatAlbum


  1. Host creates GreatAlbum; invites family/friends (Contributors) to join
  2. Host starts discussion in GreatAlbum, and requests they share stories/media that celebrate the Loved One, perhaps recalling certain experiences together or qualities admired
  3. Contributors participate in group discussion to ask/answer questions - resulting in more helping each other a less 1-1 emails/texts/calls for Host
  4. Contributors post events/articles in the GreatAlbum to highlight their different experiences with the Loved One
  5. Contributors import media (from Apple/Google Photos, Dropbox, etc.) and link to events/articles, to create more robust content
  6. As this is going on, Contributors see each other's contributions, make comments, enjoy reliving (or learning about) special moments in the life of the Loved One - the community around this individual is actually growing stronger in their acts of sharing through this GreatAlbum!
  7. Host and Contributors collaboratively organizing content as it’s being shared
  8. On the celebration date, the Host unveils the GreatAlbum to the Loved One
  9. The all get to enjoy - not only the events/letters/stories/media, but also the comments that have accumulated along the way

The community around this Loved One continues to share new content/media and discussions, enjoying a “living biography” of the Loved One and through their mutual connection, continues to grow stronger

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Seema created Celebrate a Loved One with GreatAlbum article related to Celebrate a Loved One 10 03/04/2022 - 13:05