
An Article is a way for a user to capture their perspective on what happened in an Event, or about an Individual or a Place. Usually, an article gets linked to all of these other content types. There are different kinds of articles, such as: Story, Letter, Newspaper clipping, etc. 

Add New Article

There are two main ways to create an article:

1. While viewing an Album, click the drop-down menu at the top of the sidebar and select Add Article. This will start a new article within the Album, but not linked to any other content type. 


Media in GreatAlbum is treated as a standalone entity like any other content entity, So you can treat this media type as group content. GreatAlbum offers 5 different Media Types that are associated with the group.


An Album is the primary way to share Events, Stories and Media with family, friends and others. You can create an Album for a Grandmother, Grandfather, Mother, Father or any other Family member.

See related articles about creating and displaying an album. For viewing Albums, see Album Views topic.

GreatAlbum Guide


Welcome to the Guide Book on how to use the GreatAlbum app. This guide is organized into topics that represent the main components of the site, and then articles that explain how to use the features under those topics.  See the list of topics in this Guide Book in the right side panel.


This topic covers a number of features, including registration, update and view user profile, as well as view another user's content and activities. 

GreatAlbum Registration - To start using the GreatAlbum app, you have to register. There are four different ways you can register. Register with Email/Password means you will have email/password unique to this site. Register with Apple/Facebook/Google means you will use those credentials and related email address.  

Help Book

On the GreatAlbum Help site, a Book is a collection of Topics. You can see the books on the Main Menu > Guide Books page, and you also see them always listed in the sidebar. When you click into any book, you will see the related topics appear under that book in the sidebar.