
To Celebrate her Grampy

For the first seven years of her life, Leah knew that her Grampy Eliot was one of her constants. He was always there for her, attending school activities, driving her to camp, taking her Trick or Treating, swimming at the Y, finding sea glass on the Cape Cod beach, or just hanging out on the weekends at his and Mimi’s home with their dog, Hugo. Grampy and Leah were like two peas in a pod.

Founder's Story

I’ve Had a Dream called GreatAlbum 

For over thirty years, I have been obsessed with collecting “artifacts'' about my life experiences and those of my family members, especially my ancestors. Since at least high school, I’ve always felt someday I would create the platform to share all these photos, videos and documents with others, hopefully in the format of rich, multi-media stories.


For Sarah, Social Media with a Higher Purpose

Sarah is a Millennial. She’s grown up with texting as a primary communication medium, and sharing many of her daily activities via Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. She’s shared thousands of moments through social media, from important games and night out at movies and family vacations and what she ate for lunch. But in the last year or two, the sharing started to feel more hollow.

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