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Created by usha on 14-May-20
Updated by k'dubb on 09-Nov-20

An Event can be one of the following as an example: birth, birthday, party, wedding, engagement, adoption, marriage, divorce, or death.

Events are included in an Album and can include Individuals, Place, Stories, Media and Discussions.

There are a couple of actions that can be taken for an Event. You can Create Event or Display Event.

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Related Activities

Activity Points Created
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ErikG updated 875 Back Button from Event to Album issue related to Event 3 03/06/2023 - 19:47
Seema updated Merge one Event into another Event article related to Event 3 09/26/2022 - 16:38
Seema updated Merge one Event into another Event article related to Event 3 09/26/2022 - 16:37
Seema updated Move event and media from one album to another album article related to Event 3 09/26/2022 - 16:16
ErikG updated Move event and media from one album to another album article related to Event 3 09/12/2022 - 18:56